British Values

What are the British values?

All schools are required by law to promote the fundamental British values of:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Ofsted inspectors consider how well a school promotes British values when judging the effectiveness of leadership and management.

We promote these values by ensuring they are included in our school values and celebrated in assemblies and learned about in the curriculum.


Our children learn about democracy by voting for their peers to take on the responsibility of School Council representatives for their class.  Each month children vote for the Citizen of the Month in their class and the Values award winners.

The rule of law

Our children learn about the rule of law through assemblies and in the PSHE curriculum.  For example in Year 5 children learn that it is never ok to keep money that is found as the law says if you find money that isn't yours and don't try and return it, you legally fall under the definition of theft.

Our school rules also teach children how to behave in a community and have many similarities with the rules and laws in wider society.  We talk regularly in assemblies about how rules and values will make our school a better and happier place if we all do our best to follow them.

Our robust Behaviour for learning and positive relationships policy ensures school rules and expectations are clear and fair. This helps children to understand right from wrong and the impact their behaviour has on those around them.

Individual liberty

We are proud of all of our children and recognise that everyone is unique and has a right to their individual liberty; through collaboration and celebration of our differences we are able to achieve wonderful things and children are encouraged to demonstrate their many wonderful talents without fear or compromise.  Many aspects of the Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum cover these areas.

There are many occasions when pupils are encouraged and given the freedom to make choices within their lessons and in relation to their participation in extra-curricular learning opportunities. Community visits and PHSE learning themes are just small ways that we provide children with opportunities to discuss their ideas, thoughts, feelings and understanding on all matters big and small.

Mutual Respect

Our children are part of a vibrant and diverse school where all cultures and personalities are valued. As one of our core values, respect, is fundamental to our ethos.

We as a school, celebrate multicultural Britain, and ensure that our children are aware of, and enthusiastic about, the incredible range of cultures and perspectives that shape our wider community. Our staff are encouraged to model this value to the highest degree, for the benefit of the children and wider community.

Our curriculum is embedded with opportunities to admire and learn from different voices and viewpoints, and our assemblies instill respect among our school community.

Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs

We promote and celebrate diversity with our children, helping them to understand their place in our society and how they can collaborate with others to build a progressive and understanding tomorrow.

Issues such as bullying, racism, gender inequality, tolerance, respect and prejudice are all discussed through lessons and assemblies. Throughout our curriculum, children have opportunities to learn about and experience different cultures, from something as simple as getting a flavour of different cultures through food and dance, to an in depth exploration of different religions and societal groups.